At level 40
Coz players started a thread about sentry.. Sentry.. Power of million..... That thread got much attention.
Why not carnage? I like his move sets.
Please do something for carnage.. Got 5 star carnage just now and my heart stopped for a second
2,3,4,5 star dup. Ronan
Nothing new.. My game crashed 3 times when i hit fight button in event quests. Unfortunately all 3 times i was using Dr. Octopus
today in aq gwenpool stopped her combo after 2 hit and started auto play... dashing back. medium attacks are randomly happening even if u dont slide in aq
it's frustrating.. i used 5 energy refill to form 1 t3cc yesterday. total 9 round of hard path. i gave up on 6th round but i need to r4 my champ as early as possible. more than 1 hr grindung for 1 t3cc. lol and did not get any full t3cc in 9 rounds everytime 183-253 shards. i m happy my phone screen is still working. i…