ironknuckles90 ★
Add me in Line: ironknuckles90 Add me in game: Knucklez90 Im looking for 3 ppl to add to my bg3 map 4 group
Are you interested in a possible merger....building my alliance with the same dynamics. Expect map4 for those with low pi and map5 for those experienced. My main thing is i want my alliance to be a place where you can grow. We are apart of a 5 alliance family Ingame: Knucklez90 Line: ironknuckles90
I found a home!!! Thank you everyone
Im possibly interested
If we dont trust me ill be in here looking for a new ally myself. Ready to compete for t4b every week
If you have 3 others to bring with u then yes i dont see why map 5 wouldnt be incorporated
We're trying to get back to 30 so we can play map 5. right now bgs 1&2 get completed bg3 is just for points for now
Ill check it out now, thank you