legionhwp ★
not sure why but I didn’t really expect all the arrogant mansplaining and completely ignoring any of the legit points about playing the game a few of us have made here. Apparently it is inconceivable for you to realize not everyone wants the same roster as you or wants to play every variant. It’s also inconceivable people…
“Noob” lol. I’ve been happily playing for 5+ years. Couldn’t care less about variant 4 and anyone who sells something they don’t want to sell, well, perhaps they shouldn’t be playing a game with so many choices. I don’t want a hundred champions thrown on my roster with mults of the same lousy character in **,***,****,*****…
I read but it doesn't matter. I , and many others, would prefer to sell champions and now we can't . This was a "solution" that didn't have a problem. If you wanted to play the game amassing dozens of low level and dupe star champs and not sell any you could. Those of us who preferred to sell some and rank up others now…
two things to kind of make my point clearer: 1. it is VERY easy to grind and boost a 3* to max (I play at least an hour a day ) so maxing up and getting more 3* just as feeder champs is easy to do. Getting the right lucky dupe is not. 2. You're assuming I'm interested in all the challenges that require specific champs; I'm…
I agree 500% . Also a 5+ year player here. We should have the option of selling champions if WE want so we can build the roster we need for the way we play the game. In 5+ years I have NEVER sold a champ and regretted it. I can count on one hand the number of useful dupes I have gotten (and before you say it’s because I…
EXACTLY!!! We should be allowed to sell if we want. I have played for 5+ years and built my chosen roster of 5* as well as 4,3,and2 * by maxing and selling and then using the iso to beef up the characters I DO want. This has also allowed me to contribute more in alliance quests and gain more daily and weekly awards.…
I vote we are allowed to sell champions. There is NO reason to prevent selling (hey, if you want every since ** and dinky champ you get keep them -nothing is stopping you). But for those of us who buff up crappy three stars so we can sell them for the 15 5000 unit class iso and then use that to up our 5* champs we WANT…