marty86 ★
in two days those on the platinum track will be able to access 7 star dazzler. However because she is selected from a selector, all those people who are suffering from this bug will be unable to claim her since no one appears to be able to access any other selectors while suffering from this bug. We need this issue fixed…
contact kabam support and ask them to unlink the account to all devices. once unlinked your account should no longer auto log in on older devices, which can be done even after password changes if the account is linked (then possibly change your password again for safe keeping). once you log into your account for the first…
Quake would be the number 1 option as she doesnt hit the enemy, therefore takes 0 thorns damage. there is an iceman on the thorns path so keep in mind that when using quake (coldsnap prevents evades). other than quake you will want to take in ability reduction champs. normally i would use archangel but you will be facing…
if you are still looking for someone i wouldn’t mind joining. Let me know if you are interested.