
  • Also, I want to state that this feature is really fun and I'm loving it, I just really hope you guys can look into this glitches mentioned above and fix them as I'm really enjoying to be able to play with old friends and being able to share time with them again despite the glitches... Please please, pretty please fix…
  • I keep getting a lot of glitches on the dungeons, had a problem just now where after the level was completed and me and my partner decided to go on to the next room/level on a dungeon I got stuck on this last screen and the next level just wouldn't load up for me, my dungeon partner was taken to next level but not me, I…
  • Btw, I couldn't even hit the claim button on that egg thing for spring pop up, game just stays frozen and no key in it will respond.
  • P.S.. That hard hit thing is supper annoying, I NEVER use hard hits, it ruins my combos, please stop making my champs look stupid and stop making them just stand there in beginning of fights too instead of blocking as not being able to block also happens in the beginning of fights, not only after combos.
  • Iris 505, Android 5.1 It happens to me on all modes, specially in AQ and just happened to me in AW too, can't block after a combo or opponent breaks in middle of my combo and just starts hitting me, a lot of my champs also miss the 3rd hit, mostly notice it with Ultron, SW, SL, DV, WS, and DS... I've also notice that for…