This world is a lesser place without you- RIP Stan Lee
Add me in game or on line app- mlissaprincess- I think you'd be a good fit for us!
Hey, let's talk-looks like we're in the same situation. Ign and line tag : mlissaprincess
We're at 23, running 2 BG's with the officers rotating so no one missed out:)
The spot has been filled- thanks to everyone that reached out!
Thank you for your interest- we filled the spot very quickly, but I'll keep you in mind if anything opens up!
We filled up quickly- thanks to everyone that reached out!!
I can't find you -find me in game or in the line app-mlissaprincess
I sent you a friend request-mlissaprincess
I'd love to chat-hit me up in game it's mlissaprincess
I'd love to chat! Add me on line app-mlissaprincess