
  • looks like i'm gonna have to learn ghost, only 5* synergy partner i have for her is hood, but got the others as 4* what do you think on cosmic ,, cull vs venom
  • yeah don't got those yet but got a 5/50 void,, special 3 synergy still i'd wait till i get one more synergy before i invest in him
  • so wasn't sure if KO removed the persistence charge, tested with my own 3 star (wasn't willing to spend the potions healing my 5* back up so it works, got 3 charges on him in two fights on the 3rd fight i let him get KO revived and healed, he had all 3 on next fight still not boosting my sentry yet until i get the…
  • thanks, awakened CapIW used all my stones got him to sig 10,, but thats least 70% on those abilities just got enough shards and awakened my 5* sentry,, so not the cosmic i was hopping for lol
  • I've got 14 5* out of 17 crystals,, dup magneto, dup black panther, dup superior Ironman Ironman Falcon spiderman ronan that accounts for half my 5* crystals
  • thanks i'm not uncollected yet so i probably need that AA reduction for time being
  • ok still need one more mutant cc before i take either one up , but 4* 4/40 sig 20 vs 5* 2/35 which would you choose?