
  • As someone who has an unawakened 5* iceman at rank4, he is still very useful. All you are losing out on is initial coldsnap. It is useful against spidey but not OP enough to chuck a generic on him. Gwenpool on the other hand gains ability reduction when awakened. That is decent returns for your generic.
  • This depends on your current roster and what you are looking for. If you are targeting AW, magik/hulk are strong options. If you want to go for legends title, x-23/CM would be the best bet. If you already have a high damage dealer (sl/stark spidey), go for magik (power control) or hulk (poison immune). If you need a damage…
  • Initially, we needed 1 t1alpha to take a 4* from 2->3, 3->4 and 2 to go from 4->5. So you needed 4 to max out a 4*. Also, t4cc was scarce which ensured that we had a surplus of t1a. When they introduced 5*s, the requirement for T1 alphas went up drastically. We need 5 just for 1->2. And 5 more for 2->3! With increased 5*…
  • I have a slightly unpopular view on RDTs. So hear me out before you flag this response. I think RDTs should be awarded only for champs who have been ranked in the past 2months (I am flexible on this time frame) or better yet, not at all. Why? Consider my example. I have been playing since the game came out. I am currently…