rikhard28 ★
Same here I go back to every possible universe and reserve your post 👍🏻😂😂😂
Same solution for you I travel back in time and you don’t post this lool 😂👍🏻
I dindt can you send link for me there is any solution yet posted?! Thank you in advance
Yhe done that just after 7 hours still no reply thanks for they reduce the staff now they are struggle to responde the queues…….
Yes but the event runs for x days unit offer should be up unitl the end of the event otherwise it’s nonsense
hope this player dont get any rewards and hope for kabam close his access to this BG season right away that is what kabam need to do, if you guys want stop modders and hackers in this game
@"Kabam Zibiit" i tested today the sp3 and today he won the 6 charges as normal, looks fine now thks for the reply
it was work just fine on the last patch i recorded one video when he was r3 unduped and he was gain the 6 permanent charges just fine i just notice this whem i use 5* tec gem and sig him signature 200 and rank him up to rank 5 on the past was work just fine, and he gain 6 charges on 4* and 3* version only mine 5* isnt…
videos to prove https://twitter.com/rikhard28/status/1302283697664782337
my incursions bug has been solved thks kabam, trust restored ;D
they need to do a limit time for one incursion be open like 6/8h max in case if they bugged u can still do after 8h refresh or 6 hours its an idiea
@"Kabam Zibiit" thank you for the repply ;D will post my case here i was doing incursion whit raddom player and when found the player got stuck at incursion main menu evrytime i click in continue the game just lose connection and dont allow finish the incursion and now i m now allowed to gain the 5* shards and incursions…
ahh why ghost rider take incenerate damage if he is all the time on fire is he massoquist?
well my ally will lose the war thaks for these amazing bug we will drop plat 4 to gold 1 thks kabam how u will compensate that ?
its weeky starts thusdays and finish thursday dude
do 2.3 to be safe was the last cutoff on 1st round dude