roman3719 ★
Roman3719 iPhone 11 13.2.2 Both wifi and cellular Version 954917 Rewards section & Objective section Cannot collect rewards from objectives and daily rewards. Get connection issue message when I attempted to collect
I get red text saying error then the game crashes after I fight. Note 8 Verizon Android 8.0
So what is kabam gonna do to rectify the issue(s) it's gamer community has been posting? I for one had to waste units/items/potions I didn't need to waste because of the maintenance. The automated answer(s) I have gotten from support aren't good enough.
I was in the my alliance war battle with a 5* hood. Defeated him got the screen that says full attack bonus. But then the game goes down for emergency maintenance. I had a 15% health boost(30 units) and a 10% attack boost(30 units) that lasted 15 minutes on. I lost both boosts, you took my units and I lost half of my life…
Okay I uninstalled the game and reinstalled and got it to work on Magneto. But Sabertooth is still a no.
Yeah. I just completed the Uncollected Event and fought Sabertooth and it never activated.