
  • I stopped to play in alliance just in the moment in which I became uncollected (10 months ago), I had only 4 four star rank 5 and 2 five star rank 3. This was enough to stop play in ally and to play solo. It is difficult to earn class cathalist but in this time I did 3 five star rank 4 and others 3 four star rank 5. With…
  • He is not completely wrong. Many old players received an awaking 5* gem when there was the update and the nerfing of many characters. I received the 5* gem only for my ranking but there was nothing to do with the nerfing. In fact Thor, Dr Strage Scarlet were only 4* characters. Probably it is right to give the 5* gem for…
  • I think that someone will leave some important shards becouse it was not clear when you have to do an update of the game. Consider that in apple store if you want to update the game yuo have to delete it first ( I dont know why for this game there is this problem from the lasts updates) In any case if you upgrade the game…
  • the discussion about 4 star and 5 star it is all about a question. How many alpha2 you can collect? Only if you got 4 alpha2 you can do a 5 star better than a 4 star otherwise they are quite the same. Considering that it is much more difficult to awake a 5 star. So in my opinion there is too much importance in 5 star. You…
  • There is too difference between the last two level. For the hardest you need 4 star r5 or 5 star at least r3. The other one could be done with 3 star. I did with my small account using a maxed 3 star. I think that kebam has to put more attention on the scaling difficulties. I found many quest of two types: too easy and…