shortpker ★
Don’t recall.
It was my 2nd light of my 5 hit combo. On the 2nd light, he evaded.
You can search in game. Example is Venom, or Ultron.
Stealth, warlock, Omega, Magik, Torch
Thing - Stealth Spiderman, apply Slow debuff and its over. Diablo - Stealth Spiderman, same as Thing. Havoc - Warlock, easy fight. Mr. Sinister - Warlock, easy fight. Nick Fury - Omega destroys him. Watch out when he is LMD, all hits count toward his tactile charges. CMM - Magik, get to s2 for power lock. Watch out when…
Brand new roadmap.....
Even Orange man in office would’ve tweeted about this by now
Corvus. Just have to keep timing out. Use suicides for free heal back up.
Mng is also 500 points or so ahead of next alliance. Maybe alliances should stop tanking? Food for thought.
Have you ever received a bye? You seem to be an expert on how it works. /sarcasm
You got a terrible taste of judgment. Clearly you are clueless on what you are talking about. I’m highly entertained by you thinking it’s a point bug.
Who’s offended? You seem to be clueless though. I especially enjoy your thread on whining about maps getting harder. Must be a lane 10 hero :)
Tanking isn’t dirty? Keep crying kiddo
All hearsay
I personally love the rewards. T5b without having to spend 100 bucks for 9k. Sign me up.
Well I know of one alliance that is tanking during season and several alliances got the luxury of a free war with defenders left up. Doesn't make it collusion though.
How you know it's collusion?
23 nets kills sometimes.
She's better off being hidden.
Gotta keep both sides competitive.
Got lucky
I'd brush up on your skills before recording. Perhaps watch some other youtubers on how to properly fight with the champs you have
I heard you guys were tied due to diversity difference. So you weren't actually in position to win.
Or somebody was driving for 6 hours and refused to pull over. Should've planned better
Uncollected is meant to be hard. Not meant for everyone to be able to clear it.
The best pool since new featured crystals. You're kidding me if you think otherwise. AA, GR, Magik, Hype as basics? Plus the strong featured? This is amazing.
Use nullify champs such as scarlet witch or voodoo
I appreciate you guys working late tonight. I live in Santa Cruz, and it's almost midnight for us. Hopefully you get a good sleep after fixing the chaos.
You're using him wrong then. And if you're talking about 5.3.1... any non mystic attacker has 50% reduced attack.