shubhamsoni791 ★
Then how about this i have just two 6star rank 2 champs that are bleed immune and non robotic 6.4.1. troubleshooting.
It's not contradictory man i just saying that same thing form the start it's just u don't seem to read properly
I just don't go on without backup and i clear thronebreaker and paragon lvl threat so that's ur answer anout my gameplay it's just i don't have the required champs to move on and fyi i also don't need the revive if i have the desired champs for the required path.
Well i just raised the question and request so people could get my point as u get it thats all i need
U need certain champs to move up or atleast 500-1000 units or potions that are high and revive ... So ya i don't like to pay to move up Dude i completed previous and latest threat lvl 4 and 5 so i disagree
U need certain champs to move up or atleast 500-1000 units or potions that are high and revive ... So ya i don't like to pay to move up