sparkkys ★
I bought the offer but where is it located I’m level 60 but where does it show my purchase so I know what I’m getting and when ?
I bought the 3 odins in the new store back to back and didn’t realize it until after I purchased them that only one was the correct paragon deal and the other 2 were not, that it switched automatically to the lesser level deals so bought the next one in game, I won’t use that store until it’s just for my progression which…
In 2.2 thronebreaker the bottom portal takes you back to lane A and you have to do it again to get 100%
I can’t ge t into EOP
I bought the Odin and I videoed it and all the champs named were not in the crystal spin only domino cyclops and oml were in the crystals no apoc ect that were named in any rarity
I have a question does RNG affect crystals and who’s in the crystals because in the uncanny X-men crystals only 2 of the named X-men were in it and the others weren’t for instance domino cyclops were in the crystal spin but apoc and everyone else who was supposed to be in it wasn’t is that RNG ?