Sorry forgot to mention Last season silver 1 till now won 2 wars, Aq - 431 depending upon activity can increase this Rest it's your choice
You can join ours Line and ign - stm_myth Alliance name - ka911
We are looking for some experienced players who can grow our alliance too, so that our whole team grows
If you can contribute fairly in war then we are silver 1 alliance, won last 2 wars. Have26/30 people, Lineid -stm_myth Alliance - ka911 Game I'd - stm_myth We run mostly 4-3-1 in quest
current alliance rating is 3350792 and average member rating - 128876, plus if we get the members then we can remove our alternate smaller ids, which can improve the ratings
if you are still looking then lineid - stm_myth alliance name - ka911
if you dont have any problem joining a little smaller alliance then you are more then welcome, as we are in learning phase and we have rating in silver 1 only last season so if you can join us and guide us regarding game, then you are welcome, alliance name -- ka911 lineid -- stm_myth gamename - stm_myth and is quest we…