supermanMKZ ★
It's a nice gesture if a 2* or 3* would actually help anyone. Maybe a 3*-5* or 4*-6* might actually make people feel like support genuinely cares? Perhaps instead of picking all the awesome champs lumped in this phc they should be focusing on making the game great again? Do I sound ungrateful and bitter, perhaps, but I…
Not only does it show me still 100% but when I did both paths again I didn't get any shards as reward.
Yes, I've exited out. Yes, I've restarted app. No, it hasn't fixed this issue.
Perfect block and crit rate don't change base attack or health stats either but both increase pi.
Sadly that might be the funniest thing I've seen on here, lmao!
Cool, thanks
Thank you for the reply. Makes sense somewhat I suppose.
I know rogue, groots, agent venom and crossbones all have shortened duration but I'm talking clearly stunned like from a thor s2 stun.
Still haven't received my crystal!
I haven't received or saw addressed yet on their side.
Could someone from kabams side please address why there's no AQ rewards yet?
Ok, thanks guys. Guess nothing else to do but wait to see if ever gets fixed?
More times than not if you end an attack with anything but a light hit or don't have opponent pinned in corner the first 1 or 2 hits of their s2 will miss and give opponent a chance to completely block it.
Getting fixed or still unusable?
1st time I've got a 4* from log in and it's blade! Down side is I've just awakened gwenpool and scarlet witch with my skill and generic gems as well as just took 5* Hawkeye to r3 using my t4cc.
I only bought this problem up to the team back in November and have seen other post regarding this and commented on by mods that it should be done. Just looking for a ETA.
Like how when good champs show up in arena and everyone complains that it's too hard to get them because scores are "too high"? There's plenty of those threads.
Point being- how many people do you know with IIF? Why shouldn't pulling him because he is soo rare be like having a winning lottery ticket? I'm not saying make him OP like god tier per say but make him worth getting excited about and usable.
They redid punished to make him better. UC can still be a major pain in AW defense when he's duped. Kang was actually soo good they had to nerf him.
Everyone seems to love wolverine for his regen. But if guys that are common like red hulk and luke pillowhands are work a tweak then why not immortal iron fist too?
Red deadpool is prob one of the best regen champs in the game.
But shouldn't he be both, rare and great? Why make him so hard to get if he's not good?
All 3 are unawakened but I have a generic and could them to about sig 40 if needed to.
Blades danger sense also triggered vs my magik in this month's heroic event quest 3.1 contrecoup.
Kabam disclosing percentages can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned! I've pulled about 12 5* and 3 of them have been colossus!? I mean seriously, given the size of the pool now how is that even possible unless the rates are rigged against "good" champs?
I don't expect posting rates will change anything in regards to buying or opening crystals but for transparency of seeing if honestly same drop rates of any character available or "rigged" so to speak I am very curious.
Lol. I actually found that amusing.
I work for a casino so I know all about random odds and house advantage but I'm betting that not every champ has same odds as it should and pretty soon kabam is going to have to show their hand.
Anyone else see results like these? I would've rather almost anyone, at least theyd serve a purpose in arena grind.
Yep, mines down as well. Hopefully it's them adding some sweet xmas deals?