
  • At this point, I'd feel even a latter-esque style matching would be better, as a quick fix. IF you won your last war, your alliance is paired against one of the hundred-ish alliances above you. If you lost your last war, you're paired with one of the hundred alliances below you.
  • iPhone 11, I encounter this problems all the time—largely with Corvus and Venom the Duck, as both are characters I tend to feed attacks into the defenders' blocks. Seems like it's been an issue for some time now. I'm almost no longer surprised when it happens.
  • I realize now, the last "START OF TORSO" marker is off, by maybe 15px?? but I'm lazy, and refused to fix it. That said, if "START OF TORSO" was the measurement we were going by, the distance is still greater when actually landing a dash-medium, when comparing between the two.
  • Admittedly, I'm no video game expert, but I do play a lot of them... and I dabble in photoshoppy-things, which is great for this kinda stuff. Given that each opposing-champion in these foster-blooper reels are going to vary in size, animation-space, hit-box, it seems as though the determining factor on when her heavy…
  • I just realized, after my post, Fireatwill already covered what I was trying to say.
  • Sometimes I think it comes down to a technicality, that allows some individuals to still maintain their position, without technically lying—kinda like asking identical looking people if they're twins, and having them honestly respond with "no," even though by all accounts they're identical twins — the technicality plays in…
  • I should add, I've also encountered the above problem. After the buff, I ranked up my 4★ She-Hulk to try her against the LOL Red-Hulk. I didn't get to spend any time with her before this last update came down, but following all the tips of the trade, I've been about 50-60% successful with landing her M, L, L > Heavy combo.…
    in She-hulk Comment by taoness August 2019
  • One thing I've noticed that might be related, is the AI throwing out SP3's in my face, while I'm wailing on their block. The scenario was, AI had some 2-3%, a breath away from L3, and I figured I'll just chip them away with block damage. I rush in with the intent of a full MLLLM against their block—after my second light…
    in She-hulk Comment by taoness August 2019
  • Oh, and if you prefer to use a different chat client than the in-game chat, or if you're willing to use a different chat client.
  • @Cdogq13, I'd start by posting screenshots of your roster, and detailing the type of alliance that you're looking for; e.g. Adult, chill, grinding, AQ/AW, casual, etc. Between those two things, I'd imagine you'll get someone to bite.
  • Hey @marchisio! It sounds like you're describing the basis for the alliance that I'm currently grouped with. Our tag is [GOOMK]. We're a, self described, casual-hardcore alliance; meaning that we love this game, we're passionate about getting better, but we understand that life, family and work are more important. One…
  • @Solrac_2, we're actively working on 55333, or variations of. We're a self-declared, "casual hardcore" ally, rated at 5mil. Chill, fun-loving; we love this game, but we understand life and jobs are more important. Consistently hitting weekly SAs, looking for active players, and communicate through Discord. If you're…