tcskyline_04 ★
Sorry guys I found an ally. Thanks!
Thanks Jamie
Still need someone? 7963 prestige. °pollux° IGN
I can join up since you need 1. °pollux° IGN 7963 prestige
We do map 5 aq ally prestige is 8260. 1 bg war. We just had someone split before aq. So if you're still looking, you can come do an aq cycle with us then split if you want. Just giving you another option. °pollux° ign. Or add clutchtings. +GR+ ally tag
Sometimes people don't read hahaa
Haha. Not even 9k prestige and u want plat 2
Or add ne on line. tcskyline04
Come hit us up Mds-1. Add RobKids in game. Maestros death squad
Found an ally. Thanks guys
My last ally disbanded today. We scored 127 mil aq doing map 5.
6400 prestige ally. Top of Gold 1. 290 aq rank map 5x5. 14 mil ally. tcskyline04 line and in game
We rank 350 and below doing map 5. Ally prestige is 6030
I added you both in game. tcskyline04
Added you on game. tcskyline04. Tier 2 war. 102 mil aq score
tcskyline04. 10.2 mil ally. No spending. Chill and laid back. Tier 2 atm. Rank 600 aq. 102 mil
We don't spend in 5. Chill ally. No grinding. 10 mil ally.tcskyline04
Hey hit me up in game. tcskyline04. We do map 5. We don't require people to grind or spend to win.