hey evil i added u in game , hit me up we're rank 4 in plat 3 at the moment , most likely be plat 2 next season line id is vask
you still lookn bud were at over 6mil in bgs but after this season bgs will ne just as mandatory as war and aq hit me up on line .. vask
were 145at the moment , hit me up if your interested line id and in game.. vask
you ever find an alliance? high tier war , aq 8x5.. line id vask if interested
@Frodo96 u still need a my prestige is14.6 lined id is vask
u still lookin, ign is vask if you wanna check my profile
hey bud i just added you in game , ign is vask
im interested , u guys still lookn
im interested
still need a guy , not 10k but 9.5 and really active every day , line id is vask , hit me up to see if id fit the bill