wayco1181 ★
Spot has been filled. Sorry for the delay in updating this post.
Need 1 more
If you have Line, dm me at wayco1181
Instead of reposting this, going to comment again. We just had 2 leave our alliance. Looking to fill those holes
Need 1 now
In need of 2 right now
For some reason I'm having a hard time finding you on Line. I'm looking for someone for my alliance. My Line ID is wayco1181
My alliance runs Map 6 AQ without any war requirements. We do have a minimum for the alliance objective set for Battlegrounds of 200k. If that's something you can work with, you can reach me in game or line. Line ID and game ID are wayco1181
I have a couple questions. Do you have Line and do you play Battlegrounds?
Did you go into the Google Play store and purchased something with your points? If so, that's probably it because it's been down for a while for me now.
Same here. I was able to submit a ticket. Had to go through Kabam's site. Try it that way. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us
@CookieJarMonsta already done.
All this talk in this forum post about cheating. I have a very questionable one. This is a r2 Mangog vs a r4 at best Red Hulk
Update: thanks for all the inquires. We have filled the spot.
If you're still looking for an alliance, you can leave me a message on Line. My ID is wayco1181. Here's our stats:
Update: found 1 person. Still looking for others
If you're still looking, contact me @ wayco1181 on Line and let's chat
Well the one I found left as soon as AQ started. Looking for one again
Found 1 more. No more room for now.
Did find one. Looking for one more
That's the issue. War season 36 seemed to disappear from the game. If you look at the war season screen, it's nothing there.
If you go into the alliance tab, on the left side, it shows your last war finish and war rating
Is it just me, or does it seem that the odds for getting Knull are lower than expected too?
@Hoitado thats a hell of a point I didn't think about. Didn't expect them to put a brand new champ in that crystal though. @Furious_Fighter1 so basically Kabam's legendary communication skills at work again? Not mad Wolverine isn't in the crystal. Just being curious