westendbear ★
Snake n’ Shake
I think that's supposed to be for the Christmas units offer, which normally comes on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I could be wrong though!
I think the bonus units are for those who have never purchased the Namor's Sunken and it's a one time bonus when you finally do buy.
You get 1000 shards now instead of 500.
Would love to have this as an emote.
This is the correct line of thinking.
We need tokens and elder marks too. Shards are cool, but we’re missing out on resources.
Yep, can’t log in either
I thought this was just good photoshop…until I saw my rewards and this is actually legit!
Good for them!! What was your alliance’s total score?
If you’re still accepting, I have about 9k units I’m looking to spend toward banquet. Gamer ID: jmfprice
If you need another, I’m looking to spend 9k units. Game ID: jmfprice
I’m also looking for an ally. Got 9k to spend. No line. Game Id: jmfprice
Game ID: jmfprice Got about 9k units to spend
I don’t have line or discord, but my game ID is jmfprice
I have 8.5k but can probably get to 9.5-10k by the time event starts. Still accepting?
Have 8.5k but could probably have 9.5-10 once event starts. You still accepting?
Just added you
Have 8.5k units (9-9.5k once event starts) if you’re still accepting.
Are you still accepting? Have about 8.5k currently to spend toward banquet.
Are you still accepting? Have 8.5k but can have 9k in short order.