
  • Personally, I would probably prioritize your skill roster. With that being said, if there's a specific champion you really want, I would just pick whatever class they're in.
  • Seconding Nimrod
    in Who do I pick Comment by xakhll May 2
  • Additionally, any help with Kate Bishop rotations would useful. I’ve seen a lot of threads and videos about getting solos with her, and I’ve been able to do good damage with her, but I can’t seem to get the right rotation down to max her damage. What’s the best trick arrow to start with? How are you keeping the AI in the…
  • Thank you! Yeah my tech class is super thin, plus I never pulled him as a 6*, so it was an exciting pull. I was sweating before it rolled over away from Spot
  • Pulled 3 new 7s Korg, Cap Sam Wilson, and Warlock from my titan. Not super thrilled about the first two since my luck awakening 7 stars hasn't been great, but Warlock is a huge win for me.
  • 3* Colossus 4* Winter Soldier 5* OG BP 6* Mr. Fantastic 7* Guillotine 2099
  • Same thing just happened to me, I was on the "Ready" screen for a couple seconds longer than normal, and then immediately shipped to the fight end screen and I'd been KO'd. I submitted a ticket, even though I know most likely nothing is going to happen because of it. It's worth at least telling them it's happening,…
  • If you have the sig stones, Domino is a good option in addition to the recommendations above. If it was me making the decision, I would go with Wiccan or Doom.
  • I appreciate everyone's input! I ended up taking Scorpion to R3, and sometime soon I'll take Hercules to R5 when I have the resources.
  • This is super helpful, thank you! The only reason the four stars are there is because I wanted to scroll a little further down to show some of my other five star options that are already at r3, and they just happened to be in those rows. I appreciate your help!
  • Just to consolidate this, because I realized I'm asking a huge question with a lot of answers. What champions are most useful for completing thronebreaker title, based on my current roster, and what synergy teams are those champs useful in? I'm pretty comfortable with Falcon and Ultron's rotations, but I also have a 6*…