Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S7 Device Operating System: 7.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 17.2.0 Game Mode: ALL Description of the Issue: lag, glitches, opponents won't throw specials, I get hit right after my combo because my guy won't block, my specials get blocked even when I time them perfectly,
I've come really close to just giving it up altogether. I may still do that. I'm just really tired of the frustration.
I've quit spending any money on this game and it will stay that way until they get it fixed. If everyone would do that they would get off their butts and get it fixed...
I used to spend money on this game, but I'll NEVER do it again until it actually plays fairly...so never pretty much
Better yet, release a whole bunch of new content, but never ever fix the glitchy **** you've already released.