Ƙratos ★
Kratos the god of war video game? are you ****?
its not rage bait. yall are stupid af. peace
my kid hasnt seen the name yet. ITS NOT THE POINT jesus christ this was a waste of time. Congrats kabam
all of you are missing the point. you're all justifying its okay for such and such reason. KiDs SeE ThIs KiNd Of StUfF AnYwAys ridiculous.
this cant be allowed. hiding it (blocking) or disabling chat doesnt make it right.
im not disabling my chat just so i dont see it. its not just about me. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE
you should be smarter and know 100s of other kids can read it as well.. moron. dont tell me about being a responsible parent.
thats not the point its disgusting and OTHER kids can read that
My kid plays this game with me and he thinks it's funny. This needs to be delt with