4dlai ★
Re: Auto Block
Corvus is great plus you get another charge once they die so if you go against imiw you get 3 charges and your attack goes up incredibly high (View Post)1 -
Re: Rank up?
Try using the pep method go in and out about4 times the spin or pop depending on what your last crystal was last time i did this i got a dr doom then duped him in the 2nd crystal good luck! (View Post)1 -
Re: Rank up?
Korg is probably best even though hes mostly useful in aw (View Post)1 -
Re: Who should i rank 4 and use 5* science awakening gem beardo or human torch
Definitely beardo HT is still good unawakenedand cap is just a beast (View Post)1 -
Re: Doom Worth a Generic?
You dont need it doom is amazing without it use it on someone who actually needs it like nick or hyperion (View Post)1