Auto Block

It is widely seen that iron man infinity war and modok has very high auto block proficiency an it is nearly impossible to defeat them especially iron man infinity war in aw.Are there any champs who can defeat them easily
I don't know much about MODOK, so I can't really help you there, sorry. In my experience though, I would say to try and parry as many of his attacks as possible. I fight him by using only medium attacks: Parry, MM. Parry, MM ...etc. This way, you can get in the most possible damage within the stun time.
Hope this helps mate, good luck.
As said above, IMIW has a chance based on his armour stacks, so you can usually wait them out, so long as you can be patient. There are certain nodes that can take that option away of course, but they're generally only in places where you really should be bringing specific counters (i.e. True Strike)
MODOK works on a sort of timer - once you trigger his auto-block shield, it goes down for a few seconds, so you have a window to get some hits in before it comes back up and you have to rince & repeat. If you can stun him you can also use that window to wear him down. Finally his Block Proficiency is rubbish so just smacking away at him while he blocks will get him down quicker than many others.