Andyball270 ★★★
Re: Is it just me or is there a real shortage of t4 class catalysts?
Yeah well i have a huge 6* roster. Nearly 170 6* and i still find myself having to spread resources to keep my arena competitive. So even though i dont need to rank any for content i have to keep ran… (View Post)1 -
Re: Buff PHOENIX??????
Shes one of the most iconic characters in Marvel and one of the most powerful as well. There are defo other champs that are grossly underpowered compared to the source material, Sentry being one, and… (View Post)2 -
Re: How Usefull is Apocalypse's Awakened Abilitiy
Wait, are they 5* stones or 6* stones? If its 5* stones yeah use them if you want. I would say hype or void would defo benefit from them more but you can get access to them a lot faster now so youll … (View Post)1 -
Re: When do we get the Scarlet Witch for the Sigle signup for the monthh
I dont think any of the information that has been provided in this post is accurate. (View Post)1 -
Re: Well, you can get Scarlet Witch (Sigil) soon
Why do you feel tricked? Sigil is literally in her name. They couldnt really have made it more obvious. If they called a champ Shang chi Loyalty im fairly certain we could put 2 and 2 together (View Post)1