Re: Red Mags in Epoch
More wondering if the magnetism works. Heimdall is my most hated fight in the whole epoch. Looking for any possible way to cheese it, I just can’t get the heavy interruption down reliably (View Post)3 -
Re: Shard crystals missing!
I wonder if Kabam will believe me if I tell them I saved 100k of 7 star shards… (View Post)3 -
Re: Rank 4 Photon
Honestly I don’t remember, I was kind of dumbstruck when I saw over 100k PI ( due to BGs defence boost ). I think I got maybe 20% health off before being destroyed (View Post)5 -
Re: There’s cheating and then there’s…this
It absolutely is - unfortunately that doesn’t stop it happening (View Post)2 -
Re: There’s cheating and then there’s…this
Rank 5, ascended, sig 200. I thought maybe there was some weird interaction but then second round he took my rank 2 enchantress With lady d in 25 seconds (View Post)12