Blackshadow0203 ★
Re: How many Feature 6* Crystals did you spin for 6* Hercules and not get him?
I think I pulled 4 rogues and two others and was like “yeah I’m all set” (View Post)1 -
Re: Hawkeye and Joe Fixit buff Thoughts
I had the same problem! Just switch the champions lol. They’re both so much fun. (View Post)1 -
Re: *Favourite* Champions from each class.
Cosmic: not that I necessarily use him all the time but I love it when I do, Red Goblin Skill: Daredevil Hell’s Kitchen Mutant: Probably horseman wolverine when I get to use him, besides that it’s Ap… (View Post)5 -
Re: Unduped kingpin with suicide worth r3?
I have kingpin and daredevil both as R3 6*’s and I love them both. He’s definitely worth R3, he is such a tank and my go to whenever I need someone to deal with debuffs (View Post)1 -
Re: Who is your favorite underrated champion?
Daredevil Hell’s kitchen (View Post)2