*Favourite* Champions from each class.

How we, as individuals, rate champs is both personal and subjective (as we've witnessed with the plethora of Domino and Elsa debates). So, from a completely personal perspective, who are your favourites from each class?
Based on who I currently possess at a reasonable rank, mine are as follows:
Cosmic: CGR
Mutant: Apoc
Mystic: Doom
Science: Spider-Ham
Skill: Kingpin
Tech: Ultron
This list isn't necessarily based on utility or damage, but personal enjoyment.
Who makes your list?
Based on who I currently possess at a reasonable rank, mine are as follows:
Cosmic: CGR
Mutant: Apoc
Mystic: Doom
Science: Spider-Ham
Skill: Kingpin
Tech: Ultron
This list isn't necessarily based on utility or damage, but personal enjoyment.
Who makes your list?
Tech: Starky
Mutant: Prof X
Skill: Ronin
Science: Spidey 2099/IHulk
Mystic: Doom/Diablo/Longshot
There's a few of them where I can't chose just one
Spiderman 2099
Kitty Pryde
Skill: Daredevil Hell’s Kitchen
Mutant: Probably horseman wolverine when I get to use him, besides that it’s Apoc.
Tech: Mysterio with the peni synergy is a pretty good time. It would be Ultron but his evade kinda dampens the fun.
Mystic: sigil witch
Science: This one is kinda tough, but I’ve really been enjoying Joe Fixit lately.
Skill: Taskmaster (obviously)
Science: Spiderman 2099 (if his not Science then my 2nd is Yellowjacket)
Mystic: Hood
Mutant: Sunspot
Cosmic: CGR
Diablo - AQ
Herc - AQ
Guardian - AW
White Mags - AW
Red Hulk - AW
As it happens, my AQ and AW teams span all 6 classes atm.
For solo content it's whatever seems effective and fun based on the content parameters.
Spidey 2099
Miles Morales
Jabari Panther
Sorcerer supreme/doom
Mutant confused, between apoc AA and colossus
Skill-Night Thrasher
Mystic- claire
Tech- imiw
As for my favs
Cosmic = herc
Tech = warlock
Mutant = omega
Skill = moleman
Science = probably iBom
Mystic = tossup between Diablo and BWCV
Obviously I run suicides so these are the champs I tend to favor over others, but there's some close seconds too
Tech = Guardian
Mutant = Big daddy Apocalypse
Skill = Shang chi
Science = Human torch
Mystic = Doom
Punisher 2099/ Ghost
Spiderman 2099/ Void
America Chavez
Science - Mr Negative. Loved him ever since release, his playstyle, animations, utility, damage and every part of his design is amazing. Science gem, sig 200 and R3, happy as ever. He will definitely be my first R4 champion (hopefully in the next few months if I get lucky with gifting).
Mystic - Tigra. I adore playing her, practicing spacing to get the most out of her unlocks so much of her potential and it’s a great challenge. I used a generic on my R3 and 180 sigs and have no regrets. The spacing you learn from her can be used all over with a lot of other champs as well.
Cosmic - CGR. The different rotations for different situations is just so satisfying to me. The option to just use the “Haha Damage go Brr” (I believe is the technical term) approach is great for a lot of questing. But for me, the real CGR fun gameplay comes from taking him to match ups where you’d take a mystic for buff control, or a tech for heal block, or a science for lots of debuffs/a bit of power gain. There’s so much more you can do with him than big yellow numbers
Tech - War Machine. My most recent tech r3 Peni may edge out in the future but right now it’s WM. He’s such a beast - tanky, huge damage, tons of utility, energy resistance, debuff shrug off, constant armour break, suppression, regen, prowess removal. The tech pre fights are useful all over the place. He’s a beast of a mutant killer, I bring him to AW all the time for Kitty, Bishop and Apoc and he neuters them. He’s under the radar at the moment, but I hope that changes.
Mutant - Prof X. There’s something so satisfying with his playstyle. The falter mechanic is so nice so you don’t have to parry heavy with him, the prowess stacking is awesome and a lot of fun watching the damage go higher and higher. His utility is nuts, one of the best evade/miss counter in the game. Lot of fun to play.
Skill - Elsa Bloodstone. If I had a Jabari 6* I’d probably have her as my favourite. But Elsa is just so smooth and fun to play for me. She has a lot of great utility like a consistent debuff shrug off for non-damaging debuffs (great void counter), coldsnap for a defender that you can make evade safely, lots of secondary damage that nobody is immune to with busted, insanely high crit rate and an evade mechanic to avoid block damage/get a free intercept. She just feels so fun to play. One of my favourite champs.
Tech: Vision (Either)
Mutant: Archangel
Skill: Kingpin
Science: Torch
Mystic: Dragon Man (Sasquatch is a Very Close Second)
Mystic : longshot
Science : human torch
Skill : kingpin
Mutant : magneto / archangel
Tech : ultron / warlock
Squirrel girl
Sym sup
Red goblin
Mutant - Archangel. Literally melts so many opponents. Super satisfying to watch.
Mystic - Claire. She's really fun to use. Super simple. I'm quite sad that I've been having to take Doom in her place. I also loved using pre-buff Guillotine.
Science - Torch. Another melter here. Spider Ham is a close second thought.
Skill - Black Widow Deadly Origins. Lightning Stix go burrrrr.
Tech - Guardian. Feels really smooth and I love the burst damage.
Sorcerer/Doom(both are fun equally for me)
Mister Fantastic
Venom (Don't have 5*/6* Hype or Hercules)
Cosmic - Angela and King Groot. It's a toss-up, really. Angela is such a Swiss army knife while King Groot is an unstoppable tank.
Science - iBom. Just like King Groot, iBom is just an unstoppable poison tank.
Mutant - Apocalypse. He just feels so strong when you're fully ramped up.
Tech - Punisher 2099. I love to control fights and Punisher 2099 has one of the best power control mechanics in the game.
Mystic - Tigra. I never feel like such a king as I do when I manage to beat a hard opponent flawlessly with Tigra. She feels amazing to play.
Tech: Guardian and Silver Centurion
Mutant: Wolverine and Namor
Skill: Elsa and Moon Knight
Science: IBom and Red Hulk
Mystic: Claire and Mephisto
Originally Guillotine used to be my favorite Mystic but post buff she was never the same again but luckily I rediscovered my appreciation for Mephisto.
Cosmic king groot
Tech Ultron
Mutant magneto
Skill moleman
Science mr fantastic
Cosmic: Medusa (most recent r3)
Mutant: AA
Mystic: Sym Supreme
Science: Torch
Skill: Kingpin
Tech: HTD
To saying they’re the best in their class, just the ones I like to use lately for fun.
Tech: Me
Mutant: Deadpool (Red Suit)
Skill: Nick Fury
Science: Electro
Mystic: Ebony Maw
Skill: Karnak/DDHK
Science: IHulk
Mystic: DS/DrV
Cosmic: Surfer/Ikaris
Tech: Yondu/CW
Mutant: Stryfe