Blizzard28 ★
BattleGrounds Tournament!!!
If you want to have fun in BGs without actually spending resources on it, then this is for YOU Come participate in the tournament and compete for GLORY(not the actual in-game lol)... Contact Blizzard… (View Post)2 -
Ebb and flow - knock down
Introduction of new AW map is gaining mixed response from the community... Personally i feel like most of the nodes are manageable except 'Ebb and flow'... Combined with some defenders, it becomes al… (View Post)1 -
Re: 🎁Join My 3rd Annual Gifting Giveaway!🎁
IGN - BLIZZARD28 Prize - 2 ggc if first, 1ggc+refill if second Last season I soloed 5-6 thing bosses with void in tier2 matchups (View Post)3 -
Re: Support me
Sorry to hear that... What type of content u wanna watch? (View Post)2 -
A 6* crystal saved my opening
Here's a compilation of crystal openings that i saved last week... Do check it out how i almost got trolled!! If u enjoy the video, then please like, share and subscribe to my channel :smile: https:/… (View Post)7