Championcritic ★★★★
Re: What is classified as EVADE?
Probably the ai being lucky and dexteritying you (View Post)5 -
Re: What is this nonsense kabam
In the OP's defense, this is the first time that this indicator has ever been used. I did panic for a bit as well until i remembered that the - mystics meant no mystics can be used. @Iryse the - in t… (View Post)2 -
Re: Post your dual crystal pulls here
1 crystal, 1 warlock 👍 (View Post)4 -
Re: BWCV interaction w/ Electro
Because Electro's abilities rely on the opponent making contact with him, energy/physical has nothing to do with it. BWCV attacks are still contact attacks. (View Post)1 -
Re: The Parry Bug is back in full swing!
Not that it's not working, but the timing has become slightly off haha. (View Post)2