Chewybucca ★
Alliance chat feature.
please add hello and welcome and a few more to alliance chats so I can talk to new players the come and go. Bit like in dungeons Just so we have a list of words that are allowed In chat the won’t ***… (View Post)11 -
Re: Why is there no 6* Quake ?
Or Blade , Ghost rider, Stark Spider-Man. Scarlet witch or Batman. (View Post)8 -
Re: Seatin made a rookie mistake (but it isn't his fault) - Mr. Sinister synergy with Cyclops
Is that you Mike? (View Post)25 -
Re: Is blade still worth a generic 5* gem?
Blade can almost go forever when awakened, his still one of the best Regen champs in my opinion.(on call Regen) And you have Starky( 3 charges), there a great couple ( plus GR) (View Post)3 -
Re: What stupid little things do you do in game to entertain yourself?
Log in (View Post)5