DarkLord8470 ★
Re: Champs You've Been Hunting For Too Long
Started Dec. 2016, love Dormammu just for his character......nothing higher then my 3*...... (View Post)1 -
Am I Completely Screwed?
So my roster below is a little weak for where I’m at. 71% done with completing Act 4. I made the mistake of selling off some 3* and 4* Champs a long time ago. I’m finding ISO, and Catalysts hard to c… (View Post)9 -
Insert Evil Laugh Here
So I took a break from the game from 2018 until about 4 or 5 months ago. Life, work, wife etc. I came back and had an okay roster but I did stupid things like sell Champions and not fully complete qu… (View Post)9 -
Not a 5* Dormammu.....BUT
Happy with this honestly, first 5* science champion! (View Post)5