DarkLord8470 ★
Caution On Voting For Ant-Man
This is just my opinion, after thinking about this for a while. Ant-Man does need a buff, I won’t argue that. His SP1 & SP3 don’t have any effects or debuffs, and his base stats and structure nee… (View Post)14 -
Re: Picked up Super Skrull over the weekend...struggling to find a place for him.
Yeah, unfortunately there’s honestly no place for him aside from another arena champion at the moment. (View Post)1 -
Best Class = Mystic
The Mystic Class is the “classiest” class. At least in my opinion I think currently it’s the best structured class in terms of strength of champions and how they’re spread out. Here’s an in depth loo… (View Post)3 -
Insert Evil Laugh Here
So I took a break from the game from 2018 until about 4 or 5 months ago. Life, work, wife etc. I came back and had an okay roster but I did stupid things like sell Champions and not fully complete qu… (View Post)9