Deacon03 ★★★
Re: Steel Yourself Summoner! The Trials of Madness Await you this May!
is 6* wolverine in that crystal or just 5*? (View Post)16 -
Bought caskets, Side quest still tier 1 [Merged Threads]
Like title said, i bought and claimed caskets but side event is still tier 1 (View Post)16 -
Re: Let’s talk about OR
Kabam Zibit said it will be fixed with this update, it’s in my thread under bugs (View Post)2 -
Re: Save the tokens?
you can if you want to get 6* shards from the second stamp book Epic difficulty. You should have enough to get both legendary objectives and the first objective of epic (View Post)2 -
Re: New Christmas Calender! [Merged]
100’s of post about the new calendar and ZERO response from @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" and friends hmmmmm........ No one at Kabam could seriously th… (View Post)5