DogfoodLid ★
Re: Paragon Stamps [Merged Threads]
So does this mean we should no longer buy thronebreaker if we are paragon? What is the solution for future thronebreaker purchases? Is there going to be a thronebreaker stamp selector in the future? … (View Post)1 -
Re: Would you install EasyAntiCheat or another app to be allowed to Participate in BG? [dev insight]
I barely want to install this game. If it required third party software i would probably just quit. Relics and 7* are pushing me towards that anyway. I should say i dont do bg in any kinda competitiv… (View Post)1 -
Re: Which of these cosmic should I awake?
They are both pretty good even unawakened. I think cgr gets a little nore benefit from it with extra abilities. Compared to buff duration and penetration. I would probably go hulkling myself, but cgr… (View Post)2 -
Re: This might be a strange request!!!
Those 2* sigs were first thing i bought. Everything else was bonus. Now if they just lower the 2* crystals like the collector 2* tooth and claw to like 25-50 units. 100 is more then they are worth (View Post)3 -
Re: Professor X
I hate his prefight animation. Just a waste of my time so he gets side lined. Sim8lar with squirrel girl. I actually have fun fighting with her but the put the dumbest post fight animation so i never… (View Post)4