GMFrisk ★
Re: Things that make me go YAHOOO!
Pulling a 4* Voodoo and then Duping him in my first 10 PHCs when I first started. I never realized the gold I pulled back then which carried me through Act 4 and part of 5. (View Post)0 -
Re: 1* Colossus
In another post Zibiit said that they did not want to overwhelm new characters with the newly buffed and powerful Colossus, so they kept his 1* kit as he was pre-buff. It’ll be fun to go back in the … (View Post)1 -
Re: Let's make Gold Arena a permanent feature
A weekly gold arena would be enough to suffice. ~TGA (View Post)3 -
Re: Why can’t wolverine come as 5 star?
@TheInfinty , Possibly because he could be a major bleed + regen champ and are worried he could sweep content fast ~TGA (View Post)0 -
Re: Summoner appreciation, do you feel appreciated?
Agreed @Ahitlaw TGA~ (View Post)0