• gifting alliance

    looking for alliance just for alliance gifting milestones rewards any out there? (View Post)
  • Enjoy

    To whomsoever it may concern most likely possible future alliances looking forward to recruit this particular individual. The one in question had the worst character downgrade in mcoc community. My g… (View Post)
  • Re: Enjoy

    KT1? I do not think it's KT1. i watch his videos and streams regularly. He does not bad-mouth other players. Sure he has a short temper but he is not the guy. lol how has people come down to that con… (View Post)
  • deep wounds working

    I was a bit confused on how deep wounds works in defense i used to think it works against anyone who gets bleed debuff on them but clearly thats not the case cause i tried omega red (4*) against nick… (View Post)
  • Re: deep wounds working

    well 4* omega red will definitely have less health than a 6* r3 thats why i am confused why it is not doing any damage to me when it should do at the point when bleed is inflicted on me it is working… (View Post)