Gmorgan99 ★
Chapter 3 still locked
I fully completed chapter 1 and 2 of the monthly side quest and it did not unlock chapter 3 (View Post)2 -
Rank down tickets
I know kabam is not a fan of rank down tickets but hear me out: This game is almost 10 years old and ranks ups (when you do them, before newer champs come out) is obviously permanent. There’s hundred… (View Post)0 -
Things I’d like to see
* Can we please sell T4CC at least if it’s just for gold? I (along with many others) still have 10,000+ crystals we can’t open because they will just rot and expire * Iron Fist is a healer. This is t… (View Post)0 -
High value items
It’s time for Kabam to loosen the handcuffs, not make them tighter, entering year 8 and now releasing 7 stars. Tier 4 catalysts and class catalysts are no longer high value items and should be able t… (View Post)1