Gnotnus ★
Re: We need 5 star Scarlet witch
I want 6* SW and Quake (View Post)0 -
Re: Sweet Exclusive 2*s
I like my 2 * quake & Aegon (View Post)0 -
Re: Am I the only one that finds Elder's Bane harder than Cavalier?
guess you didn't try 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.6 the champion (View Post)0 -
can Incursion's feature be implemented to story quest?
From all of the contents being introduced lately, I personally liked the system of incursions the best. It is fun to select my champions' own buff and to choose with which node I want to fight agains… (View Post)0 -
Re: Your 1st. Memories
4*-Quake 5*-DD Netflix 6*-Hawkeye (View Post)1