IAmNotUrMom ★★★
Re: Goldpool arena rerun issues support unable to help
It was actually only 250k (View Post)3 -
Re: What do YOU love most about The Contest?
Since I have to be constructive with this post the main things that keep me coming back to the contest are: intriguing game play, camaraderie with fellow summoners, and of course free stuff! (View Post)29 -
Re: New drop rates display
Equal opportunity, guess you just have no luck. (View Post)3 -
Re: Best science champ to rank
If you have a good attack team for AQ/AW then I think you should focus on a duped SM for war defense. If not, then the choice can be WW2 Cappy or Quake. (View Post)3 -
Re: Would I be banned for account sharing for this?
No. I actually use two devices too since it gives me access to Android exclusive deals and Apple exclusive deals at different times. (View Post)4