ImTheGoose ★
Changes to Map 8 (Path 6 section 1 Guilly99)
Well, this was a horrible change. This fight just got a lot harder. Anyone else having issues with this? Guilly starts with an armor up which makes her instantly unblockable. Did Kabam miss the corre… (View Post)1 -
Re: Summ(on)er event Opposites Attract isssue?
It's not about class advantage or disadvantage. It's the opposite of the wheel. Cosmic vs. skill Mystic vs Mutant Science vs. Tech (View Post)0 -
Re: Kingpin Arena Bots Take 2
You are probably right. I would at least like them to acknowledge what is happening. Just take a look at the top 150-200 of the Kingpin arena. At least 1/3 are bots. I looked up the accounts. They ar… (View Post)1 -
Kingpin Arena Bots Take 2
So, apparently the thread was deleted that I started yesterday. However, this is a conversation that is still worth having. Hey Kabam. There are a plethora of arena bots that are causing your real pl… (View Post)10 -
Re: [MERGED] Massive Masteries Bug - Incursions
What are you talking about? It's not fixed yet. An update on when this fix will happen would be great. (View Post)1