Intensity108 ★★
When will Kabam add new 7-Stars to the 7-Star pool? Save my Shards??
So my issue is that I don’t find myself excited about the Champions in the 7-Star pool (other than a few). So I think I want to hold onto my shards and wait until they’ve added some champions that I’… (View Post)6 -
Re: Do 5-Star Champions matter anymore?
I've noticed it in the forums, In Line Chat and even in-game on the Global Chat (View Post)14 -
Re: Do 5-Star Champions matter anymore?
I partially agree with you. I would still rank up a really fun champion, a champion that's a personal favourite and also really overpowered ones (View Post)5 -
Re: Which Spider-Man Villain would you want to see next month?
Sandman's name was thrown around by Kabam a couple months ago (View Post)2 -
Re: Rank all released champs in 2021 (17 in total)
Unpopular Opinion: the most FUN one to play (FOR ME) is probably Spider-Man 2099. But don't worry, i now he isn't the greatest on that list. But I have lots of fun playing him. The swiping back and f… (View Post)4