JRock808 ★★★★
Re: Why not increase 5* sig stone capacity from 100 to 200?
I have 100s of unopened sig stone crystals simply because I have 100 mutant stones already and I refuse to put them in the less effective version of cyclops or colossus. The whole stash is completely… (View Post)3 -
Re: Epic rewards for love of battle realm.
Also only 5850 5* shards, not 6950. For epic. (View Post)1 -
Re: The 6k Unit AQ bundle
Who wouldn't pay $200 bucks worth of units for Groot? (View Post)6 -
Re: When is advance power boost coming? [MERGED THREADS]
Funny all this started right after the discovery that certain boosts did nothing.. Lots of coincidences and RNG in just about every aspect of the game. Except for connection issues, those are 100% gu… (View Post)3 -
Re: Uncollected Red Hulk zero hit easy kill-Time is the only element needed
R5 5* void is good? No way! (View Post)32