Why not increase 5* sig stone capacity from 100 to 200?

I cannot begin to wonder why 5* sig stones are not increased to a maximum capacity of 200 versus the 100 that it is at now. How can we only have a cap of 100 when it requires 200* sig stones to max a 5*? It forces precious sig stones to my stash that I am forced to dump into champs I do not want to. Why not make the 4* sig stone inventory capped at 50 if you are going to limit us to only save half of what is needed for the max sig of a 4* or 5*?
Everyday I am encountered to use my sig stones in stash on champs I do not want to.
Everyday I am encountered to use my sig stones in stash on champs I do not want to.
It is ridiculous to be forced to save sig stone crystals if your are maxed out on a ONE particular class. Obviously people are opening them because they need or want stones for another class that they DO have a use for.
The whole stash is completely outdated. It was barely tolerable in the Act 4 days but now it's just silly. You can't even hold enough iso to rank a high tier champ more than a few levels. It's just so tedious and unnecessary,
This forces us to put sigs into champs we don't want to so they don't expire in our stash.