JRock808 ★★★★
Re: Act 6.2 Rarity Gates the beginning of the end for non whale spenders and/or not 7/24 on MCOC?
Even you don't believe that will be the case. Stop being obtuse. (View Post)1 -
Re: About Energy.
All 3 combined is over 9000. (View Post)2 -
Re: No new avengers to rank-up; How can I progress in Avenger Objectives?!
Regardless of shards or crystal chances, it is simply a bunch of poor design decisions that shouldn't have left the first brainstorming session. Unless the intent is to increase revenue, it does abso… (View Post)9 -
Re: Which is the worst class...
Pic is from last September. Hulkbuster is the best class though. (View Post)4 -
Re: Annihilus released vs datamined abilities
Never said you can do anything you want with it. Obviously you cannot use it in any way that profits you or infringes on copyright in some way, but accessing it is completely legal. That's all I am g… (View Post)3