Act 6.2 Rarity Gates the beginning of the end for non whale spenders and/or not 7/24 on MCOC?



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,817 ★★★★★
    Dshu said:

    At least with the adaptoid and darkhawk you were speaking about something you could attempt and understand. Here like in many posts you are throwing in your 2 cents that kabam is great. While I found the difficulty of the adaptoid and darkhawk to be average as far as scaling I at least offered suggestions on those threads for alternative ways to deal with them not the a beta tester said it's ok and kabam is great nonsense you spew in every post. The gates are going to be restrictive based not off skill and ability but off your roster. The number of 5* and 6* shards and availability of those changes has only increased if you are willing to spend on cavalier crystals. Since apparently you aren't to this game your view on this gate isn't the same has others who while at this point in the game where they can enter it are being restricted for not spending. Hence why people view your opinion on this matter and many others to be worthless yest you continue to try to shove it down other players throats
    Using champs you don't/never use to beat fights does take skill..... Also, you are commenting on content that you haven't done. You have it made up that it's BS but you haven't played it, seen it or anything. You are assuming off of an announcement instead of waiting to see what it's like. If he can't comment, neither can you or any of us since only a few have seen it. Take your own advice.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    What you're doing is going off-topic in any which direction to try and argue THIS subject with other subjects I've discussed before. It's a poor attempt to make it personal, and if you think this is the first time someone has tried lack of experience in a debate with me, then you should do more Searches for Threads. You have a problem with me? That's fine. You don't have to interact with me. However, I'm not engaging in any nastiness or veering off the subject just for the sake of a personal fight, so unless you stick to the actual subject, we're done. Everyone has to put time and effort into growing when they're not equipped for content. The other option is to spend, but it's not at all mandatory. Just an option if you want to try and do it sooner. Expensively senseless, if you ask me. Go crazy with Crystals just to do it the same day it comes out, then it's done forever, when you could have waited. All people need is 4 6*s max. No one said they had to be the God Tier Champs. If you refuse to try anything but a select few, you're going to make it harder on yourself. The rest of the cheap shots I can't be bothered with. Not the first, won't be the last.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    edited May 2019
    xNig said:

    I gotta stop you here. End game content is targeted at end game players and made purposely more difficult to provide them a challenge.

    Roster depth comes with either time, or money. If people want to whale out on Cavalier crystals to build their rosters fast, it’s their choice. If you choose to be free to play, then you have to know that you will NEVER progress as fast as people who spend.

    To increase 5/6* shards, it is impossible for Kabam to say, “Alright, here’s a quest that gives out 100,000 5* shards and 30,000 6* shards for the month.” Increase has to be gradual and it has been evident since Seasons started that availability has drastically increased compared to before.

    This game is a grind to accumulate resources to overcome challenges. Instead of being impatient and wanting instant gratification, think about how 4*s are handed out like candy nowadays that give 500+ 5* shards per dupe.
    While not disagreeing with you about 4*s it is long pst the time for an arena update to give us a 5* basic champ or more access to shards through higher milestones. If they want to keep these gates at least allow an alternative to the cavalier crystals. You could even gate the arena with title progression. I don't dislike the idea of harder content. I'm actually excited for the challenge. I do dislike the idea that these gates have been imposed without an alternative way to gain higher champs outside of spending for roster development. I also find it frustrating to see people who are nowhere near the progression point of entering act 6 praising gates simply for the sake of agreeing with kabam rather than even trying to see the other side of the argument. That last part is obviously not directed at you since you are obviously at the point where 6.2 is doable and I welcome further discussions from players of the same caliber
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Dshu said:

    While not disagreeing with you about 4*s it is long pst the time for an arena update to give us a 5* basic champ or more access to shards through higher milestones. If they want to keep these gates at least allow an alternative to the cavalier crystals. You could even gate the arena with title progression. I don't dislike the idea of harder content. I'm actually excited for the challenge. I do dislike the idea that these gates have been imposed without an alternative way to gain higher champs outside of spending for roster development. I also find it frustrating to see people who are nowhere near the progression point of entering act 6 praising gates simply for the sake of agreeing with kabam rather than even trying to see the other side of the argument. That last part is obviously not directed at you since you are obviously at the point where 6.2 is doable and I welcome further discussions from players of the same caliber
    I agree with you on the point that probably out of Cavalier crystals, Kabam could have introduced something to give the community shards on a more consistent basis. I believe they know it’s an issue, and we will eventually get the revamp that we are asking for.

    As much as that’s important, I feel that the revamp can wait as they fix the many bugs that are still in the game right now. From what I understand about Kabam’s way of designing content or increasing rewards, there is usually an over-arcing guideline to follow to maintain balance and longevity of the rewards payout.

    If we use 4*s as an example, comparing the rates at which we acquire them 3 months ago (just before 6.1 was announced) vs how much rarer they were 12 months ago, we can see a stark contrast.

    Point is, Kabam knows the issues and will eventually introduce the solution. For now, I’d rather they focus their manpower on getting the game running smoothly before reworking things that are not broken. Lackluster, maybe, broken, definitely not.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,817 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Dshu said:

    I apologize I forgot anyone who isn't pro kabam isn't allowed an opinion. I thought this was an open forum but obviously I was mistaken. As far as taking my own advice I guess I am confused on how an account that has yet to get through act 5 has the same understanding on these gates. I can only assume you will continue to defend anything kabam releases since that is your typical stance on things. I would take your advice and look harder for a post where you disagreed with any decision kabam made but I don't have hours to scroll through the thousands of posts of you praising them.
    This is an open forum but you keep trying to silence anyone that doesn't have the same opinion of Kabam. Again, you are a hypocrite with what you are saying. There is many things i don't like about the game but I look at things from a rational standpoint. You and many others including the OP are overreacting like you always do. You are being shortsighted for something you haven't even gotten to play yet.

    Also, show me where i praise them. Show me where i say they are a great company and can do no wrong. I'll wait.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    I agree with you on the point that probably out of Cavalier crystals, Kabam could have introduced something to give the community shards on a more consistent basis. I believe they know it’s an issue, and we will eventually get the revamp that we are asking for.

    As much as that’s important, I feel that the revamp can wait as they fix the many bugs that are still in the game right now. From what I understand about Kabam’s way of designing content or increasing rewards, there is usually an over-arcing guideline to follow to maintain balance and longevity of the rewards payout.

    If we use 4*s as an example, comparing the rates at which we acquire them 3 months ago (just before 6.1 was announced) vs how much rarer they were 12 months ago, we can see a stark contrast.

    Point is, Kabam knows the issues and will eventually introduce the solution. For now, I’d rather they focus their manpower on getting the game running smoothly before reworking things that are not broken. Lackluster, maybe, broken, definitely not.
    I don't disagree with the need to fix the bugs. I do feel the increased drop rate of 4*s is the wrong way to increase 5* shards. My reason for this is the increase in 4*s and the ease of access to 5* champs for new players is creating a huge curve in skills vs player progression. Kabam got ahead of themselves making rankup resources more available and giving higher tier champs to new players early in the game. Many new players are getting 4 and 5* champs before even getting to act 2. Now to offset this they are try to slow progression with gates but the restrictions on these gates while preventing people from becoming frustrated by entering content they aren't ready for is also frustrating long term players who have been hampered with poor rng. Yes I'm sure you could complete a lane with a 6* unduped dpx at rank 2 who actually enjoys doing that. Also who wants to waste resources like that. This leads to the idea that the only way to find champs worthy of the resources needed is through spending or like you said patience but how exciting is waiting for good rng to access content and running monthly eq for a week just to spend 3 weeks watching others move on. Arenas with a title progression should be pushed up in priority with the bug fixes to give summoners another way to develop rosters. Also we know bugs aren't getting fixed as fast as they are popping up
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Lainua said:

    I got that. They are in Kabam content creators programs so they are elite in the game and having good relations with Kabam. Of course they have nice things to say all days. That’s bs. Like in a society that 90% suffering and 10% repeats like a parrot: everything is fine, everything is fine.

    I'm not in any CC program as I couldn't care less about making yt videos. I've been a beta tester quite. A few times in the past but wasn't selected for the 6.2 program as I bailed on the 6.1 test after getting frustrated with the original version of no retreat.

    Some people are just rational while others aren't
  • Kaladin_Kaladin_ Member Posts: 391
    The beginning of the end for me was the first back issue. Not being able to use 4 stars was crippling. I seen then were the game was going. Just like most big games, they put in different formats to keep us buying, look at magic the gathering, yugioh, VS. system ext...

    I decided to drop down from tier 2 to tier 4. Now I just do the ignition run for completion and monthly's EQ. free to play totally stress free.
  • Dogor2393Dogor2393 Member Posts: 70
    It's permanent content, you have time to build a team, just who try to rush is worried. I'm fine with the requirements.
  • kpkumardtskpkumardts Member Posts: 123

    Fattest wallets? No. Strongest Accounts? Yes. That's how things usually work. Money is not mandatory. Hard work over time will also suffice. All spending does is speed up the process. People who don't have the patience to wait might spend themsleves into oblivion. It's also possibile to put in the time and effort and finish it later. It is permanent, after all. Just because someone on YouTube says it's all about the money doesn't make it the sole purpose of these things.
    And someone says in the forum that " its not all about the money" doesn't make it the difference of these things.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★

    And someone says in the forum that " its not all about the money" doesn't make it the difference of these things.
    When it's entirely possible to overcome without spending, then it's not really all about the money at all.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★

    Fattest wallets? No. Strongest Accounts? Yes. That's how things usually work. Money is not mandatory. Hard work over time will also suffice. All spending does is speed up the process. People who don't have the patience to wait might spend themsleves into oblivion. It's also possibile to put in the time and effort and finish it later. It is permanent, after all. Just because someone on YouTube says it's all about the money doesn't make it the sole purpose of these things.
    Hard work..? Is playing mcoc your job? It isn't mine for sure! So players like me will have to trod along with our level of eq and maybe by the year 2025 I'll be ready to tackle act 6 if mcoc still is around. As long as my life and work doesn't get the better of me and convinces me to stop spending even some of my free time on this game. lol.

    The upside is that if the game survives I'll have no lack of content to catch up on if I ever get the roster and skill required to finish it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★

    Hard work..? Is playing mcoc your job? It isn't mine for sure! So players like me will have to trod along with our level of eq and maybe by the year 2025 I'll be ready to tackle act 6 if mcoc still is around. As long as my life and work doesn't get the better of me and convinces me to stop spending even some of my free time on this game. lol.

    The upside is that if the game survives I'll have no lack of content to catch up on if I ever get the roster and skill required to finish it.
    Hard work within the context of the game. Yes. The game requires effort. When a new goal is introduced, that may mean having to put effort in to achieve it, and it may mean having to put effort in to prepare for it. The fact that I have to explain this feels unnatural. Honestly. It's like everyone feels entitied to be able to do everything the moment it comes out, and if they have to work towards it, they're offended. This game has no "Winner". There's no end-goal where you've beaten it, and can sit pretty. You're always going to have to put effort into something and grow. There is no point in the game where you don't have to put work in. In fact, they take great pains to make sure growth continues.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    TL:DR - There's no such thing as a Roster to retire on.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    The good news is, people are fully capable of playing however they have time and energy for. If you want to go to the upper crust however, that will take time and effort. Yes. I would be alarmed if you could do it just as easily with less time and effort than everyone else. Meta changes notwithstanding.
  • Chriz4061Chriz4061 Member Posts: 7
    So i just want to start by saying that i am in no way trying to "defend" kabam as i am definitely frustrated with a lot of their shenanigans just like the majority but you guys literally seek to complain about everything the company does and its sad. Act 6 is ENDGAME content meant for ENDGAME players that is also, and here's the kicker, PERMANENT. I could see if people had a problem with the rarity gates on a monthly quest or something TEMPORARY but it's, once again, PERMANENT content. If you do not have the champions to complete act 6 then MOST LIKELY you are NOT an ENDGAME player and should NOT be attempting it. Like Grounded, Xnig, and others have said the gates and 4 star restrictions are there for progression because lord knows if they allowed 4 stars and just slapped extra health and attack on enemies people would be complaining about how boring half of it is and there would be no progression in the game as endgame players would still be relying on 4 stars when 6 stars have been out for a while. And plus from what i've read in kabam's post, there is literally very few paths that require 4+ 6 star champions. Once again, if you don't have the roster, DON'T ATTEMPT IT. I realized how quick people are to call every move from kabam a cash grab when they feel like they don't get what they want out of it like some spoiled, entitled brats man. Stop complaining all the time. As much time as everyone spends complaining over everything, that time could be spent playing the game and getting better at it so you can get closer to being able to complete act 6 no problem.

    And btw, i regularly read the forums all the time and don't even remember if i've even commented on here in the past but after seeing this i had to say something.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★

    Hard work within the context of the game. Yes. The game requires effort. When a new goal is introduced, that may mean having to put effort in to achieve it, and it may mean having to put effort in to prepare for it. The fact that I have to explain this feels unnatural. Honestly. It's like everyone feels entitied to be able to do everything the moment it comes out, and if they have to work towards it, they're offended. This game has no "Winner". There's no end-goal where you've beaten it, and can sit pretty. You're always going to have to put effort into something and grow. There is no point in the game where you don't have to put work in. In fact, they take great pains to make sure growth continues.
    I think you misunderstand my reply. However, feel free to think I am entitled and believe I should be able "to do everything the moment it comes out, and if I have to work towards it, I'm offended" :smiley:
    I don't expect to have an easy way to the top, or anywhere near it, in this game. Especially since the top is always advancing, at a faster pace than I. I only state the fact that it will take an almost insurmountable amount of time for me to get to and through Act 6.2 But, if I continue to play a couple of years they might make 6 stars way easier to get, and finally I will make that act also. I might feel the pace you can progress as a more casual player is a bit too slow for my taste. But it is what it is. I did find it a bit amusing to talk about hard work being put into a game. Maybe I read to much into that statement.

    I think you read way to much into my reply also, obviously. Like I was some entitled Karen wanting things handed to me for free 'cause I "deserve it". :wink: Maybe I do the same now, I'm not sure. I do however believe we are different in how seriously we take playing this game. Hard work is something that applies to my actual work, and family life, for me. Games are recreational. They were even way back when I was playing the old Counter Strike beta competitively.

    Have a nice day, and keep having fun playing.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    You responded to my comment about work, saying it's not an actual job, and I spoke towards that. The comment about being entitled to do it was more a generic statement on the reactions to the requirements. Both have to do with putting time and effort (work) into getting somewhere. It's not work in the sense of making money at a 9 to 5. It's work in the sense of putting the work in to get there. My point is, it's going to take some time and effort. Surprisingly, not as much as people expect. It just takes consistent work on all areas of the game, and eventually enough Resources are gained to tackle the next level, and the next level, and the next level. This is the newest level, and some won't be prepared yet. That's what my comment was about. It's supposed to be a next level, and some take issue with having requirements that might mean they're not there yet.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    edited May 2019
    So with hard work you can pass this gate when? You average 3-4 5*s a month from arena aw and eq and a 6* every 2-3 months. Odds are you will pull meme tier 5*s and now with the additional new champs in 6* meme tier there. Short of buying crystals or living in arena to score 50mil for new champs how are you supposed to obtain these champs to pass the gate requirements? Of course this isn't taking the platinum tier alliances into consideration who get another maybe 4 5*s from aw rewards. If you have completed all the other content where do you go for more new 5*s? How do you get the 5*s you are missing since we have no 5* basic arena? These gates seem like they will make this game a long boring grind of eq to eventually get some good rng. Aw is already tedious. Now these new gates seem like they should have a sign on them saying insert cc and enjoy the gamble on cavalier crystals. Where is the increase in shards we were told were going to be more available? I don't feel entitled to free shards but at least give us another source of shards and champs.
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  • CoryMatthewsThoCoryMatthewsTho Member Posts: 145
    Lainua said:

    WOW, such a political correct post. Kabam should be proud of you. From my view, they are clever in term of business. First they forced people NOT to use 4* and second they forced people NOT to use their 5*. Very clever in term of business. Hard work over time, yeah, very political correct but what will happen if RNG doesn’t side with you but Kabam? How many months or years are you willing to wait until you are strong enough?
    If you're at the point where you're realistically ready to 100% 6.2, then you'll more than like already have at least four 6*s lol. And actually as an almost completely f2p player, I can say hard work/grinding works if you're patient enough. At first I was pissed when I found out I couldn't bring any 4* to Act 6. I have the holy Trinity as 4*, plus people like AA, CAIW, and others, and my 5* roster, while decent, only has 5 r4 champs, and I don't have a single 6* yet. (I'm 3400 shards away from my first) But instead of dumping money into crystals trying to pull more 5*s, I decided to start working on 100% exploring Act 5 before attempting 6.1, and during that time so far I've been focusing on ranking up more of my 5*s that could be useful in Act 6, even if it's just for a single path. I grind arenas so I can save units for revives/potions/energy once I do decide to try Act 6, and I keep working on my 5* roster. Yeah I could spend money to advance faster, but what's the point? It's permanent content, so why should ANYBODY be in such a huge rush to 100% 6.2 or 6.3, etc.? Unless you've literally completely finished everything else in the game & the upcoming Act 6 chapters are the absolute only thing you have to do in the game, there's no reason to be in a rush & there's no reason to HAVE to spend money.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,817 ★★★★★

    If you're at the point where you're realistically ready to 100% 6.2, then you'll more than like already have at least four 6*s lol. And actually as an almost completely f2p player, I can say hard work/grinding works if you're patient enough. At first I was pissed when I found out I couldn't bring any 4* to Act 6. I have the holy Trinity as 4*, plus people like AA, CAIW, and others, and my 5* roster, while decent, only has 5 r4 champs, and I don't have a single 6* yet. (I'm 3400 shards away from my first) But instead of dumping money into crystals trying to pull more 5*s, I decided to start working on 100% exploring Act 5 before attempting 6.1, and during that time so far I've been focusing on ranking up more of my 5*s that could be useful in Act 6, even if it's just for a single path. I grind arenas so I can save units for revives/potions/energy once I do decide to try Act 6, and I keep working on my 5* roster. Yeah I could spend money to advance faster, but what's the point? It's permanent content, so why should ANYBODY be in such a huge rush to 100% 6.2 or 6.3, etc.? Unless you've literally completely finished everything else in the game & the upcoming Act 6 chapters are the absolute only thing you have to do in the game, there's no reason to be in a rush & there's no reason to HAVE to spend money.
    Fantasic response.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    raffster said:

    One YouTuber has 24 6*s (KT1) and even he is worried.

    And he's one of the most skilled guys in the game in the most skilled alliance.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    edited May 2019

    "If you're at the point where you're realistically ready to 100% 6.2, then you'll more than like already have at least four 6*s"

    What if your 4 x 6*s are absolute trash?

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    What he said.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★

    What if the path is so easy it won't matter?
    Even you don't believe that will be the case. Stop being obtuse.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,817 ★★★★★
    JRock808 said:

    Even you don't believe that will be the case. Stop being obtuse.
    I choose to wait until the content is released before passing judgement.
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