JZ734 ★
Re: Best champs against the collector?
Max sig OG daredevil. Long fight but you won't get hit by the collector's specials (View Post)1 -
Re: Marvel versus capcom
That's what marvel vs capcom on consoles is for (View Post)1 -
Re: Remember when you first started
When I started alliances didn't exist, getting a 4* was a pipe dream unless you had $$, signature abilities weren't a thing, and didn't get squat for duping a champ. (View Post)1 -
Re: How do duels work, and what's the point?
At this point since it serves no other purpose the limit of 5 duels should be removed (View Post)1 -
Re: Kabam, please get rid of empty hits on the next updates
You're preforming heavy attacks. You do realize that the game doesn't care how far away your opponent is right? If it reads an attack input it will execute that action. (View Post)1