JackTheSnack ★★★★
Re: Who to upgrade for act 6 overall
Chavez is good in addition to what others have said (View Post)0 -
Re: Why are act 5 rewards better than act 6?
This makes me wish I didn’t 100% yet lol (View Post)4 -
Re: Still waiting for “Mystique”
It would be bugged to high heavens… (View Post)4 -
Re: The Nightmare Raids Compensation is Great And All But...
Don’t forget the months we went with two literal iridescent champs I can remember burning a ton of revives on that bullseye in the AW showcase to get through it bc of lag. It was so bad it would go f… (View Post)5 -
Re: So let me get this straight…
As stated above. Clicked off the message bc it popped up in the middle of the screen. When I went to check…it simply said “play 5 matches to claim” but couldn’t see what the rewards were anymore. So … (View Post)0